Boqin Qin’s Website

Researcher Boqin Qin of China Telecom Cloud Technology Co., Ltd, Haidian District, Beijing, China, 100083.

About me

I am a Researcher of at China Telecom Cloud Technology Co., Ltd. My research interests span the areas of program analysis, distributed systems, and computer graphics. The goal of my research is to bring more reliability and security to the world of distributed systems.

I received my Ph.D. from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications working with Prof. Hua Zhang in 2021, and my bachelor’s in School of Computer Science at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2014.

I am very lucky to work with Prof Linhai Song during my visit at College of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University (2018.10-2021.01). Not only did I learn a lot about program analysis from Prof Song, but also the skills and attitudes towards academic research. He is an outstanding and fruitful associated professor who deserves your attention.

Mentored by Prof Song, I am honored to be the first author of Understanding and Detecting Real-World Safety Issues in Rust and Algorithmic Profiling for Real-World Complexity Problems published in TSE and the co-first author with Yilun Chen of Understanding Memory and Thread Safety Practices and Issues in Real-World Rust Programs published in PLDI’20.


  1. Understanding and Detecting Real-World Safety Issues in Rust Boqin Qin, Yilun Chen, Haopeng Liu, Hua Zhang, Qiaoyan Wen, Linhai Song, and Yiying Zhang. TSE’2024
  2. Learning and Programming Challenges of Rust: A Mixed-Methods Study Shuofei Zhu, Ziyi Zhang, Boqin Qin, Aiping Xiong and Linhai Song. ICSE’2022
  3. Algorithmic Profiling for Real-World Complexity Problems Boqin Qin, Tengfei Tu, Ziheng Liu, Tingting Yu and Linhai Song. TSE’2021, Journal-First ICSE’2022
  4. Automatically Detecting and Fixing Concurrency Bugs in Go Software Systems Ziheng Liu, Shuofei Zhu, Boqin Qin, Hao Chen and Linhai Song. ASPLOS’2021
  5. VRLifeTime: An IDE Tool to Avoid Concurrency and Memory Bugs in Rust Ziyi Zhang, Boqin Qin, Yilun Chen, Linhai Song and Yiying Zhang. Demo@CCS’2020
  6. Understanding Memory and Thread Safety Practices and Issues in Real-World Rust Programs Boqin Qin, Yilun Chen, Zeming Yu, Linhai Song and Yiying Zhang. PLDI’2020
  7. Measuring and Modeling the Label Dynamics of Online Anti-Malware Engines Shuofei Zhu, Jianjun Shi, Limin Yang, Boqin Qin, Ziyi Zhang, Linhai Song and Gang Wang. USENIX Security’2020
  8. An Adaptive Encryption-as-a-Service Architecture Based on Fog Computing for Real-Time Substation Communications Hua Zhang, Boqin Qin, Tengfei Tu, Ziqing Guo, Fei Gao and Qiaoyan Wen. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(1), 658-668.

See Publications for more details.